We did it once again! 122 athletes represented Queens Distance at the popular NYRR Brooklyn Half this past Saturday, May 18! We had a blast both running 13.1 miles from Prospect Park to Coney Island, and cheering at Mile 10.
Special thanks to Ginia Guzman and other volunteers who were at the mile 10 water station right before Scream Station. And big thanks to our amazing friends who were at the mile 10 cheer station! There was Kevin, Claudia, Chinedu, Kevin O., Jenn who made signs, Christine, Jay, Jona, and more. Without them, the last 5k of the Brooklyn Half would not have been as high spirited and motivating.
☀️ Today I had fun and I didn’t even run! Great time cheering all @queensdistance runners! Congratulations to all finishers, great show down by all local clubs. Thanks Brooklyn for hosting! As always awesome pics by @horseandducksports. . . . #jonarunsthecity #queensdistancerunners #qdr #popularbkhalf #nyrr #cheerzone #fit #fitness #13point1 #runnersofinstagram #instarunners #summermiles #team #teammates
Teamwork Makes the Dream Work
We are experiencing so many emotions after the Brooklyn Half. There are just so many uplifting and heart-warming stories we heard from many teammates after the race. We have fast runners on the competitive team but first and foremost we strive to create an environment where everyone can feel welcomed and supported. That is one of the many reasons why we stay until the last runner for races. Alejandro, who just ran his first half marathon, shared with us how he was impressed by those who stayed at Mile 10, and also felt such “enthusiasm and positive energy” from everyone he met.
#popularbkhalf ✔ #finishermedal ✔ My first official 13.1 mile race is on the books!! This was certainly an endurance test but mostly, this was a test to my mind, heart, and will. I am really happy to have gone from 2:16(virtual half marathon) to 2:12. So I guess now I have a new PR. Looking forward to Staten Island Half Marathon!! I wanna thank @motrivated for the tips on how to attack those hills in Prospect Park. @vj.tri.training for weekend training runs. @salcidoestepha for tips on pre racing day. @ehipeao2 for your tips on how to take @scienceinsport gels. @queensdistance for transportation, 10 mile shout out motivation and post race welcoming and @refix_usa_dist @refixyourself for keeping me hydrated during the race. Congratulations to all runners that met yesterday for such wonderful race.
The cheer station was stationed early and left as the last runners passed by. We are grateful for this because the cheer station was 3 miles away from the finish line and it was difficult for runners to return back there.
One of our star cheerleaders Christine Nasol told us after the race that she will be leaving for California. This is not the first time a teammate leaves to another state but we are sad nonetheless. We do not, however, lose touch! Christine warmed our hearts by saying, “I didn’t think that running would bring me such joy, but it truly has. Through running, I have had the pleasure to meet some of the best people on this planet. Thank you for being my running club, my community, and my friends. QDR and Queens will forever have a special place in my heart, and I will forever represent the QDR Gold.”
Unfortunately, we heard more sad news over the weekend. We’d like to send our deepest condolences to anyone who has lost a loved one recently. We admire the spirit one has to dedicate their run to their loved one.
As team captain Kevin puts it, we are a family and are there for each other on and off the road.
Speaking of helping out, Anthony Chow told us how the Queens Community College track sessions helped him earn a new PR of 1:56:46. Mike Bocchinfuso dropped his PR by 18 minutes since last October to 2:20:47 and associates it with his decision to join QDR! “You really do get what you put in with this fam!”
It just goes to show that when you come out to train with us, you get a lot back!
As runners crossed the finished line, they were greeted by other teammates at the MCU stadium. Many stayed there for hours chatting about the race, their experience on the course, and recovering with fries and beer! Quite the good post-race treat!
Club Points Results
The energy felt on race day helped us all perform well. The Men’s team came in 9th overall and the Women’s team came in 10th overall! Congrats to the Men’s team top five finishers, four of whom ran a personal best, and to the Women’s team top five finishers, two of whom ran a personal best.
Men’s Team – 9th place overall:
Esteban Rosales, Luciano Medina, Alessio Asaro, Edwin Guzman, Daniel Rivera
Women’s Team – 10th place overall:
Marie-Ange Brumelot, Teresa Escobar, Caroline Nester, Maria Wong, Nina Manso

Photo by Horse and Duck Photo.
That’s not all! Huge round of applause to our teammates who placed in the Masters age groups. In these age groups, the top three runners from each team are considered as scorers.
Masters 40+ Women’s Team – 14th place:
Irena Ocasio, Katrine Stroyberg, Linda Brennan
Masters 40+ Men’s Team – 13th place:
Victor Fajardo, Winston Mei, Rafael Guzman
Masters 50+ Women’s Team – 36th place:
Jennifer Lawrence, Yolanda Zuluaga, Wendy Phaff
Masters 50+ Men’s Team – 15th place:
Rafael Guzman, Dave McCutcheon, Olegario Burgos Dominguez

Bottom: Rafael, Maria, Caroline, Dave
Photo by Rafael Guzman

Photo by Nicole Wong
Once again, thank you! Thank you! Thank you! The success that Queens Distance had at the Popular Brooklyn Half was an exceptional team effort in so many ways!

Photo by Horse and Duck Photo
Until next time.
Queens Distance