Volunteer with Queens Distance!
We not only run, we to give back to the running community and beyond. You are invited to volunteer at a QDR-produced event or at one of our Team Volunteer Stations at any upcoming race. Many of our volunteers themselves have experience with race management, logistics, inventory, and more! As we spread our presence, we will always need spirited folks ready to sign up for our next date on the roads. Since October 2018, we have organized weekly volunteer movements in coalition with the Alliance for Flushing Meadows Corona Park. As our team founders complete training to become “Super Stewards” through the New York City Parks Department, expect to see Queens-wide volunteering continue to appear.
Please see below for volunteering opportunities for 2023 Queens Distance Runners Events

*We volunteer at events across the city within and beyond the running community. If you or your event requires volunteers, please email qdrunners@gmail.com.