A month has passed and we are still feeling the outcome of the Queens 10K.

Photo courtesy of Horse and Duck Studio
Butterflies and positive energy had come to Flushing Meadows Corona Park. Whether it was a good race or a not-so-good race, we can all agree that it was a gathering that we will not forget: a high standard was set for the Superhero Scream Station thanks to Jonela Molla and Albert Tan, this NYRR race had the most QDR finishers, and our team spirit resonated throughout the park all morning, and resulted in a serious spike in membership. While the Queens 10K is the only Five Borough Series event not to feature the streets of our unique Borough of Queens, we vowed to stage a climactic moment to the benefit of the event as we set-up our entire roster between the finish line and our iconic Queens Unisphere.
Our enthusiasm was held to the standard of the “Home Team”, as we cheered until the final finisher of the entire event. From our point scorers, to the volunteers, to the Superhero Scream Station, the commitment we have to each other including the last runner was phenomenal. We are very grateful to have such and inclusive and loving team!
Working Together
The Queens 10K was the fourth NYRR Club Points race of the year. Many teammates help score points consistently and many have goals to be in the top five and help QDR in the Men’s and Women’s A Division. For this race, we were excited for Rabin Shrestha who scored for the Men’s team for the first time and is also the first Nepalese runner to score points for QDR!
Another exciting fact is that this race was the first time that QDR had a 60+ Men’s Masters team! Many of our Master runners are parents, grandparents, runners getting back to the road after a long break, those who want to have healthier lives, and even those who are running for the first time. Whatever the reason, we are glad we can be inclusive to all ages and hope we can continue to grow the QDR Masters team.

Photo courtesy of Horse and Duck Studio
Post-Race Picnic
Until the end of the race, the Superhero Scream Station stayed on the course to cheer. Soon after the race, we had our annual post-Queens 10K picnic near the Unisphere. This year we were grateful to share race stories, pizza, bubble tea, and Corona Lemon Ice King with Michael Capiraso! As a busy President and CEO of NYRR, it was wonderful to have spent time with someone who is trying to PR at races just like us, and in our own backyard! Thanks, Mr. Capiraso!
Superhero Scream Station
Words can’t express how amazing the Superhero Scream Station; you had to be there running or cheering to feel the power of it. But, Albert Tan shared some personal experiences that are background to the Superhero Scream Station’s creation (with help from Jonela Molla) and its compelling power to get the best out of everyone. Albert Tan said it best, “… I am doing this Superhero Scream Station to inspire the change. Be the change. We get so much from this community, I want to encourage people to give back. Support those that support you. Not only is it good for the community, but it can be so much damn fun. I cannot tell you how many people told us about how they lost their voice and how much fun they had. Not only do I want non-members to say this, but I also want teammates to say, “I want to be a part of that.” Give people reasons to come instead of excuses to stay home. I want enthusiasm to be a part of this because it really is so much damn fun… Runners are tired at the end of a race, but you turn the corner and see the Superhero Scream Station. Seeing your community, friends, and teammates go nuts to see you while you are struggling for that final stretch. The reaction is almost immediate and it’s an expression that brings me to tears each time I see it. It’s such a raw and beautiful emotion.”

The Superhero Scream Station is here to stay and we are grateful for it
Volunteers & Water Station
Besides the Superhero Scream Station, some QDR members and friends were located at the water station providing water on a humid morning! Remember to thank everyone who made the race a success!

Club Points Results
The Men’s team came in 9th overall and the Women’s team came in 7th overall! Congrats to the Men’s team and the Women’s team top five finishers:
Women’s Team – 7th place overall:
Nina Manso, Deki Yangzom, Caroline Nester, Teresa Escobar, Kaitlyn Richert
Men’s Team – 9th place overall:
Esteban Rosales, Daniel Rivera, Edwin Guzman, Rabin Shrestha, Alessio Asaro
A special round of applause to our teammates who placed in the Masters age groups. For this race, QDR had a Masters 60+ Men’s Team! Way to go everyone!
Masters 40+ Women’s Team – 8th place:
Katrine Stroyberg, Leslie Duran, Poonam Rai
Masters 40+ Men’s Team – 9th place:
Winston Mei, Victor Fajardo, Rafael Guzman
Masters 50+ Women’s Team – 14th place:
Ji Soo Kim, Nora Lew, Jennifer Lawrence
Masters 50+ Men’s Team – 19th place:
Rafael Guzman, Min Jiang, Olegario Burgos Dominguez
Masters 60+ Men’s Team – 14th place:
Olegario Burgos Dominguez, Johnny Gonzalez, Cruz Peralta
See you at Team Champs!
Queens Distance