Let’s face it – right now we’re all in a state we weren’t expecting to be. The situation has become hard to deal with and every day we see and hear news that puts us on the edge. COVID-19 has changed the world as we know it. Before we get to the recap of all the events that occurred this past month, we want to thank all the healthcare workers who risk their lives daily in order to take care of those who are sick. Remember to wash your hands and only go outdoors if you need to and follow all the recommendations from the state of NY, NYC, the CDC, and the WHO.
* All photos were taken in early March before the group ban took place.

following #socialdistance rules
This is a hard time for everyone. It’s been said that every New Yorker knows someone who has been affected by the COVID-19 virus. Everyone is dealing with this in their own way. Everyone is trying their best right now. Everyone is missing those who they cannot be around with at the moment.
Our running Facebook group turned from a community that shared photos of runs and accomplishments, to news about safety, memes, and activities to distract and motivate us during this time. This empathy for one another is what brings us closer together. Late in March, member Scott Luxenberg shared this link with us and it really resonates what we are collectively going through and that we are not alone:
One of my good friends from work shared this with me. It’s important to remember in times like these that we have each other! Go QDR!
And it’s true; we have each other. We still talk to one another and do our best to keep the motivation going. We are optimistic about all the fall races that were postponed, but we can’t say for certain what the future holds. We just have to do what is recommended to stay safe.
Early in March, we had the first NYRR club points race at the Washington Heights 5K. Two members ran the Little Rock Marathon in Arkansas and some ran the Atlanta Marathon in Georgia. They all seem like a lifetime ago. Since then, we slowly saw the race calendar come to a halt. First, it was the Paris and Rome marathons that were canceled. Then came other big marathons and races. QDR group runs were suspended indefinitely. The United Airlines NYC Half was canceled. Talk was that the Boston Marathon was going to be postponed, and eventually, it did to September 14. The NYRR RunCenter was closed initially for a few days, and then indefinitely. And finally, in late March, the unprecedented news of the Tokyo Olympics being postponed to 2021 came…
Yes, these races being canceled and postponed are frustrating for many of us. We know; we had to postpone the Queens Marathon and the Inaugural QDR Half Marathon to November. It hurts. For runners and organizers alike, we’re all in a state where we don’t know what to do.
So what can we do? We can stay home to save lives. We can reach out to friends and family on the phone or through video calls. We can, if possible, volunteer at shelters and food drives. We can donate money to organizations that need it, like those helping out healthcare workers get a meal during their shifts. We are not helpless to show compassion to everyone. We can cross-train at home and work on strengthening our bodies. There are many sources online giving free boot camp or exercise sessions, or classes for almost anything. Just remember that getting through this epidemic is more than enough for many. Reach out to us or anyone else if you are going through a hard time.
We’ll get through this and we’ll cherish everything. We’ll be more grateful for all the group runs where we can run with friends. We’ll be able to plan for a goal race and commit to the schedule. We’ll be able to spectate and cheer for the running community during races.
We love and are grateful for all our amazing teammates and friends. Until this epidemic is over, take care of yourself and each other. We’ll leave you with achievements we made in early March, not just because we need to celebrate them but because those memories mean so much.
Queens Distance