June, when you start to get excited about marathon training but then remember how hot it is!
June is all about looking forward to Fall marathons, checking back on previous cycles, thinking about a training plan, and deciding that it may be a good idea to wake up very early in order to get a run in. It is also the month where we have the Queens 10K in our own backyard in Flushing Meadow Park!
We covered many track workouts and track races, a few more marathons, and the beginning to the QDR Destination Runs! Did you see the special guest in the banner image for this blog post? Michael Capiraso joined us on our QDR post-Queens 10K picnic and we’ll have a separate post on just the Queens 10K soon!
Lastly, we’d like to congratulate our teammates who got engaged this past month like Chelsea Mailler and Elaina Nellis, and those who got married like Margaret Conlon!
There were plenty of races this past June, many in the rising humidity and temperature that comes with Summer. Still, we went out and followed through.
From short distances like the 5K all the way to the marathon, June had many races that most of us are using for training for other races in the Fall. Just one example is the Ironman 70.3 Eagleman where Cathy, Jessica, Vikram, and David all raced in Maryland. Whether it was their first half Ironman or a race for a later full Ironman, it was exciting to track these athletes cycling and running in Maryland (the swim was canceled).
June was also the start of the NYRR Tuesday Night Speed Series at Icahn Stadium. The first two in June were good gauges of fitness to see where we are, but many of us had PRs on the track!

Other big races we all came out for were the Italy Run, NYRR New York Mini 10K, the Achilles Hope & Possibility 4M, the NYRR Queens 10K (of course!), and the Front Runners New York LGBT Pride Run 5M! Even though we had the biggest scream station at the Queens 10K, we came out as a team to cheer on all the runners.

Destination Runs
“When is the next Destination Run?!” That’s what we hear all year round. We are happy to have hosted two runs this past June and excited about the next two we have this month of July.

Our first Destination Run started at the Queens Center Mall and went all the way to the Rockaways. This is always our first run to kick off the Summer Destination Runs and we enjoy meeting up at the beach for post-run fun. This year, we were fortunate to have Tony and Mario who set up a water station and drove our bags to the finish line. We really appreciate all that we offer one another for our training and many go above and beyond!

The second Destination Run is a runner’s favorite: the NYC bridge run. This year we cut out the last two bridges in the Bronx to favor a slightly short run given that we are still early in the marathon training cycle.

Once again, Mario proved to be the real MVP as he, Kevin, and Maria, drove with our bags and set up two water stations: one was midway on Kent Ave. in Brooklyn and the second at Engineer’s Gate in Central Park. This allowed runners, if they wanted to, to run more miles on the bridle as we wait for everyone to arrive.
Following the run we then went to Urban Athletics who warmly welcomed us with bagels, coffee, a nice discount on their products, and many prizes on raffles! Thanks a lot Urban Athletics and make sure to go to their store on 1291 Madison Ave!

Keep an eye out on our site’s calendar as well as on Strava for more group runs and training sessions. Make sure to also follow us on Facebook and Instagram for updates and news!
Queens Distance
Here’s a list of events this past June, 2019 (pictures courtesy of various team members):
1 – LIC Waterfront 5K
B.U.S “Sorry ass trail mix up” 30k
2 – Italy Run (5M)
Destination Run #1 – The Rockaways
3 – Monday Morning Miles: FMP
QDR Monday Evening Group Run: Central Park

5 – NYRR 1 for You 1 for Youth 5K
7 – Friday Morning Miles Group Run: FMP
QDR Friday Morning Group Run: FunFridayRun Astoria
QDR Friday Evening Forest Hills: The Kessel Run
8 – NYRR New York Mini 10K
Jogging for Joe 5K Fun Run
9 – Ironman 70.3 Eagleman
Kids of Queens

10 – QDR Monday Evening Group Run: Central Park
Monday Morning Miles: FMP
11 – NYRR Tuesday Night Speed Series #1
Last night Queens Distance represented at the first NYRR Tuesday Night Speed Series. Come out for the next three on June 25th, July 9th, and July 23rd for fun nights of racing. Even though track races can be intimidating, you’ll have everyone cheer you on and they’re good workouts for the start of marathon training. • 📷 @dianashoots #queensdistance #speed #trackandfield #teamwork #icahnstadium #nyrr
12 – QDR Wednesday PM Track Session: Queensborough Community College

14 – Friday Morning Miles Group Run: FMP
QDR Friday Morning Group Run: FunFridayRun Astoria
QDR Friday Evening Forest Hills: The Kessel Run
15 – NYRR Queens 10K
17 – QDR Monday Evening Group Run: Central Park
19 – QDR Wednesday PM Track Session: Queensborough Community College

20 – Friday Morning Miles Group Run: FMP
QDR Friday Morning Group Run: FunFridayRun Astoria
QDR Friday Evening Forest Hills: The Kessel Run
21 – Grandma’s Marathon
Congrats to all the runners at this past weekend’s Grandma’s Marathon 👵🏼 in Minnesota! This flat, point-to-point race is beautiful as it goes on the north shore of Lake Superior. Representing QDR were Amanda and Leslie. Leslie, as he told us, was “lucky to be able to run a marathon” just six weeks after having surgery! Earlier this year Leslie broke his clavicle on a run and we are excited to see him come back from this injury. This goes to show just how strong-willed we are, especially when it comes to the marathon distance. 💪🏼 #queensdistance #grandmasmarathon #queensdistancetravels #minnesota #26point2 #postsurgery @grandmasmarathon
22 – Vegan Power 50k
QDR Destination Run #2- Five Bridges+Bridle Tempo
23- Scotiabank Vancouver Half Marathon

NYRR Achilles Hope and Possibility (4M/1M)

B.A.A. 10K
Katie’s Run 5k

24- Monday Morning Miles
QDR Monday Evening Group Run: Central Park
25 – NYRR Tuesday Night Speed Series #2
26 – QDR Wednesday PM Track Session: Queensborough Community College
27 – Police Chase 5k
28 – Friday Morning Miles Group Run: FMP

QDR Friday Morning Group Run: FunFridayRun Astoria
QDR Friday Evening Forest Hills: The Kessel Run
29 – Front Runners New York LGBT Pride Run (5M)

Front Runners Chicago Proud to Run 5K/10K
Chicago 10K